воскресенье, 8 ноября 2015 г.

25 Inventions That Are Completely Pointless

25 Inventions That Are Completely Pointless

Walking Sleeping Bag

This sleeping bag allows you to walk comfortably while still maintaining inside of sleeping bag status. The makers probably thought hopping looked silly, so they thought making a person look like a creature from a swamp would be more sensible. The bag would be great for freaking the crap out of people.

Privacy Scarf

Why would you need that much privacy when looking at your computer screen or your phone? Unless you've found images of OJ's other glove, there's no need to be this discreet. And let's think about this: won't this only bring more attention to you. Wearing the privacy scarf will only make people more curious about what you're reading.


Brand: Neckpro

We'll go out on a limb here and say this is one of the worst product ideas anyone has had. The Neckpro is meant to help ease neck problems by having users basically suspend themselves by a rope. And sorry we have to say it, the product has probably killed just as many people as it has helped.

Hair Hat

This is supposed to give men who are balding some extra hair on top. However this isn't the way to go, the hat is not fooling anyone. Also, what man wants to have hair that looks like carpeting? It seems like being bald would be a better alternative. Besides, Michael Jordan, Tae Diggs, and Vin Diesel pull it off well.

Wine Glass Holder Necklace

Brand: Wine Enthusiast

We have one question: who drinks that much wine and doesn't have a table? It's bad when your product's competition in the market is virtually any flat surface around whatsoever. The Wine Glass Holder Necklace also has to make walking more difficult. We're all for booze but this seems highly impractical.

Female Lap Pillow

Brand: Hizamakura

Nobody will use this pillow, at least not in public. It's creepy to imagine feeling comfortable nestled on the lap of torso-less legs. It's freaky and we do not condone it. Plus the legs are on a slant and that can't be completely comfortable. Even if you are kinky and this is your kind of thing, it can't feel nice to lay your head on this odd pillow.

Banana Slicer

Brand: Hutzler

The famed Banana Slicer is meant to make chopping bananas a breeze. Because people typically don't carry any other utensils capable of cutting bananas this is pretty nifty. Rather than using your gun or your rocket launcher to get perfectly cut slices of bananas, simply use this absolutely necessary device.

Lipstick Stencil

The product is meant to make applying lipstick easier for ladies. However from the photo the oversized hole looks like it would give you a red mustache. But if you used the product, you would get the added benefit of looking like you're being restrained in a mental asylum.

Facial Flex

Brand: Facial Flex

The Facial Flex is meant to provide an all natural facelift and it's marketed towards women. All you have to do is flex the muscles around your mouth like you are performing a sexual act and eventually you will look 15 again. We're sure it may get a female lots of new male friends but years later she'll just be a droopy faced elderly woman who has been around the block.

image via

Diet Water

It's a problem we didn't know about. So many people are getting billions of calories from water. The substance is loaded in fat and sugars that are bad for you. IT has to be true, why else would someone try to sell a diet version of something that doesn't have calories?

Remote Wrangler

Brand: Rodd Miller

The Remote Wrangler is basically a ski mask with velcro that you can stick your remote on so you never lose it. But really, this is an extreme solution to the problem. Nobody wants to wear their remotes. The look is completely ridiculous and the person who invented it has lost touch with reality.

TV Hat Personal Theater

Brand: TV Hat Now

Sometimes you want to block out everything and enjoy a good movie, but sometimes that can be difficult on the go. Well, TV Hat Personal Theater claims to give buyers a motion picture experience anywhere. It also gives buyers the experience of being made fun of by anyone around. Would you like to look like Darth Vader just so you can watch a movie in public? No.

Cat Napkin Chain

Brand: Scotts of Stow

This device is made to hold your napkins in place. Yeah, most post people just use the neckline of their shirt, but why miss an opportunity to be THAT person at the table? Plus you get the added benefit of wasting the $20 dollars the thing costs. It's a win-win if you think about it.

Gas Powered Flashlight

Forget about batteries. The Gasoline-Powered Flashlight will brighten all those dark places. This is obviously a better device to use as a flashlight because not only do you get the added bonus of looking like a tough gangster with the huge device, you also get to handle highly flammable and toxic chemicals. If you breathe it in enough, even your body will go lights out.

The DVD Rewinder

Brand: DVD Rewinder

Wait... what? How does this exist? Obviously it was a big pain in the old days to rewind VHS tapes, but what exactly does a DVD Rewinder do? There's nothing to rewind, but you can see below there's a site and they even have merchandise. It also says "We have very few left in stock and we do not plan to continue production after 2009." We don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Original article and pictures take images.complex.com site

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