вторник, 22 марта 2016 г.

6 Steps to Start 2015 with an Invention Idea

6 Steps to Start 2015 with an Invention Idea

The New Year is the perfect time to get a jump start on projects you’ve been putting off. Nothing feels fresher than a new calendar and a new date, and starting it off with the right mindset can bring about some beneficial change and progress in your life.

If you have an invention idea you’ve been toying around with in your mind, right now is the time to get started. We’ve compiled some steps to help you with your invention idea. What are you waiting for? Let’s go!

1. Do your research

What kind of product do you want to invent? If that particular industry is flooded with new products, either consider tweaking your idea so it fits in another industry, or add in features and value that set it apart from the other new products. What can your product offer that others lack

2. Know the trends

What products are hot right now? Although trends are constantly changing, if you can get a sense for what is going to be popular in upcoming months, you may be able to alter your idea to fit in with, but also stand out among up-and-coming trends. For instance, superhero movies, products with associated apps, and eco-friendly goods are all trendy right now. How could your idea mesh with those or other trending topics?

3. Ask for opinions

What do other people think of your idea? Without disclosing too much information, casually ask your trusted friends and family what they think about your invention idea. They may have ideas on alternate uses or improvements that could be made. But, be careful who you approach if you don’t have a patent, and don’t take harsh criticism to heart. Can others offer additional insight?

4. Make a plan

How are you going to proceed from here? Make yourself a checklist and a plan, and remember to cross off each step as it is completed. It’s much easier to achieve your goals if you write down exactly what you want to do. Set both short term and long term goals, and remember to make them measurable. How exactly will you achieve your goals?

5. Sketch and build

What does your invention idea look like? A rough sketch and a non-working prototype help immensely when describing your idea to others. A sketch can include stick figures and traced drawings; you don’t need to be an artist. A non-working prototype can be made out of cardboard, clay, tape – anything that will help you make a 3D model of your invention idea. How can you show others what your idea looks like and how it works?

6. Come see InventHelp

Do you have an invention idea you’re not sure what to do with? InventHelp is an inventor service company staffed with researchers, illustrators, writers, and customer service representatives who will assist you in submitting your invention ideas to industry. After being in the business for more than 30 years, we know what the invention industry is all about. Are you ready to get started?

If you’re been waiting for that little shove or sign from the universe that you should do something with your invention idea, here it is! The New Year is all about improving yourself and pursuing your passions, so there is no better time to start your invention idea than right now.

Categorized in: InventHelp

Original article and pictures take blog.inventhelp.com site

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