A collection of weird and wonderful inventions from the past that range from useful to absolutely insane. Many of these inventions seem to solve problems and cover needs that we have now bypassed through advancements in technology, others are just straight up crazy!
1. Ice Cube Mask Designed To Cure Hangovers (1947)

2. Baby Stroller Protected From Gas Attacks (1938)

3. Single Wheel Motorcycle (1931)

4. Face Cones Designed To Protect From Snow Storms And Blizzards (1939)

5. A Bicycle That Fits A Whole Family + Sewing Machine (1939)

6. All Terrain Vehicle (1931)

7. Special Contraption That Lets You Smoke In The Rain (1931)

8. Amphibious Bicycle That Can Be Used On Land And In Water (1932)

9. Hat With Integrated Radio (1931)

10. Glasses That Let You Read While Lying Down (1936)

11. Life Jackets Made From Bicycle Tubing (1925)

12. Piano That Can Be Played While Lying In Bed (1935)

13. Precursor To The Hairdryer

14. Revolver That Takes A Picture Right Before A Shot Is Fired (1938)

15. Safety Net To Prevent Or Reduce Injuries To Pedestrians (1924)

16. Mouthpiece Lets You Smoke Two Cigarettes At Once (1932)

17. Portable and Extendable Bridge (1926)

18. Extending RV (1934)

19. A device that would teach a child how to walk (1939)

[source: redditor(user: tyw112)]
Original article and pictures take www.unbelievable-facts.com site
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