вторник, 20 сентября 2016 г.

Here Are The Top 21 Inventions Ever Made That You Probably Don’t Know About. But You Need To.

Here Are The Top 21 Inventions Ever Made That You Probably Don’t Know About. But You Need To.

I’ve been told my whole life, “Work smarter, not harder.” Those are good words to live by. Not only will you be able to accomplish tasks faster, but you’ll figure out a better way of doing them in the future as well. I believe that it was Bill Gates that admitted his laziest employees were his most productive because they were always going to find the fastest and easiest way to accomplish the task at hand. I have also found that to be true. Some of these inventions seem so simple. I don’t understand why no one came up with them sooner. Others, now that I’ve seen them, I don’t know how I ever lived without them. Either way, below you will find 21 inventions I need to make my life better. I’m hoping some of these get introduced to my area sooner rather than later.

1. Purse Holding Chair: How often are you out and your lady runs to the restroom and tries to get you to hold her purse? Just leave it right there honey, I’ll watch it. Much less emasculating than standing around with a purse in your hands, right fellas?

2. Demanding Stereo: Sometimes I forget to put the seat belt on, but I can’t seem to drive without the stereo on. This demanding stereo stays muted until your seat belt is connected. What a great safety feature.

3. Chip Lifter: I know you’ve all seen pictures of people with their hands stuck in a Pringles can. With this awesome chip lifter, those pictures and bad memories can be a thing of the past.

4. Heated Mirror: You used to have two choices – a hot and steamy bathroom with a worthless mirror or a cool, breezy bathroom with a functional mirror. Now you can keep the door closed and have a hot, steamy bathroom and a crystal clear mirror.

5. Pre-Threaded Needles: It seems that every time I need to sew something, it’s an emergency and I’m already running late. I put on my one pair of dress pants and my impressive gut pops the button. Being in a hurry, I can’t seem to thread the needle to save my life. These pre-threaded needles could have saved so many of my frustrating nights.

6. Responsible Gum Disposal: Many a carpet has been ruined by people spitting their gum on the ground. It hitches a ride on the bottom of your shoe, unbeknownst to you until you notice it’s worked its way into your living room carpet. These mini post-its give people a place to dispose of their gum, so they can quit ruining my rug!

7. Vending Machine For Dogs: No, you can’t go and get puppies out of a vending machine. That would be cruel and unusual. This is a vending machine for doggy treats. Now you can keep your best friend happy on the run.

8. Condiment Vending Machine: With the right condiments, you can make almost anything palatable. I’d drop a buck or two to save my table’s mediocre $12 burgers.

9. Korean Gas Station: Whether you’re forgetful, it’s a new car, or you’re driving somebody else’s ride, now you don’t have to remember which side the gas cap is on. These Korean gas pumps come down from the ceiling. No more door dings on the cement barricades or embarrassment from parking on the wrong side.

10. Skateboard Locker: Now you can get from point A to point B without having to carry around your board through the hallways and elevators.

11. Fruit Test: Who knows better than the growers how to pick a good piece of fruit? Not me. This little addition to the label makes for happier customers, for sure.

12. USB Meter: Who’s got time to play the guessing game with your pile of USB’s? You have to plug it in and wait, it’s full, try again. No more. These USB’s have a full meter on the side to eliminate the guesswork.

13. Paper USB: Imagine the convenience of printing a flyer or resume and having a USB attached that could contain your portfolio, more information about your event, or even demo tracks. The possibilities are endless.

14. Signal Jacket: Too many of my friends have been rear ended or t-boned by careless drivers that claimed they couldn’t see brake lights or turn signals. CAN YOU SEE ME NOW?

15. Microfiber Tie Lining: For those who wear ties, this invention makes life easy. You get a quality microfiber cloth to clean your electronics that’s tied to your neck like an inconspicuous electronics bib.

16. Water Resistant Walkway: This product allows you to paint cool things on the concrete that are invisible until it gets wet. This could be fun.

17. Test Toilet Paper Before You Buy: For a necessity, toilet paper can be pretty pricey. This Dutch supermarket lets you make an educated decision on your toilet paper purchase by eliminating trial and error.

18. Pedal Desk: Put these in the schools to motivate kids to stay active. They’ll probably help the kids with attention deficit disorder stay on task as well.

19. Movie Mirror: The majority of the men out there would love to have a TV in the mirror so they can catch up on the score of the game while washing their hands in the restroom. Am I right?

20. Defibrillator: Re-purposed from an old telephone booth, you’ll be grateful this life saving device is around when you need one.

21. Server Pager: It seems like every time I’m in a hurry, it is the exact time that my server wants to catch up with their co-workers drama or sneak a smoke break. With this server pager sitting on my table, I think my problems would be no more.

We just went through 21 great inventions I need to solve life’s problems and make life easier. It astounds me as to how something so simple can be so life altering and miraculous. Isn’t technology great? What awesome inventions have made your life more bearable and productive? Let us know in the comments section.

Don’t Forget To Share With Your Friends Below.

Original article and pictures take www.sliptalk.com site

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