вторник, 20 сентября 2016 г.

Here Is An Accurate Scale Model Of The Solar System

Here Is An Accurate Scale Model Of The Solar System

Wylie Overstreet and Alex Gorosh decided to build a scale model of the solar system with complete planetary orbits, a true illustration of our place in the universe. It's magical.

youtube.com / Via youtu.be

The earth and moon are always pictured close together, when in reality, there is a good amount of distance between them.

Via youtube.com

In fact, "every single picture of the solar system that we encounter is not to scale."

Via youtube.com

"There is literally not an image that adequately shows you what it actually looks like from out there. The only way to see a scale model of the solar system is to build one."

Via youtube.com

So, these geniuses went to the middle of nowhere, Black Rock Desert, Nevada (yes, the same place where Burning Man is held), to build a scale model of the solar system.

Via youtube.com

"To create a scale model with an Earth only as big as this marble, you need seven miles of empty space."

Via youtube.com

At this scale, the sun is a meter and a half.











The guys did such a good job with their scale model, that when they stood at Earth's orbit during sunrise, the rising sun was the same size as their model sun!

Via youtube.com

Original article and pictures take www.buzzfeed.com site

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